+234 (0) 805 522 8504

Quality Education for deaf Africans and Nigerians.


The Late Dr. Andrew Foster a deaf black American educator and missionary brought education and gospel to Africa with introduction of American Sign Language to train the deaf people in 1957. He invented some local signs to complement American Sign Language that has brought the light of education to the deaf. It makes teaching strategies clear, simple, and easily understandable. He founded Christian Mission for the Deaf in order to liberate the deaf Africans from bondage of illiteracy, poverty, joblessness and hunger, regardless of religion and ethnic background, our fruited and successful services are offered to the deaf communities. In fact, he had brought hope and happiness to save them from deep despair...



CMDN envisions an established, self-sustaining Christian deaf leadership, advocacy organization, high quality and holistic deaf education, good living standard and improved socio-economic integration of deaf people in Nigeria and beyond.



Our Mission is to serve God and the growth of His kingdom by promoting holistic deaf education and Christian discipleship, rights advocacy and humanitarian services, as well as income generation and management development for the deaf and their stakeholders in Nigeria and beyond.



1. To identify the deaf and catch them young.
2. To liberate our fellow deaf people from the bondage of illiteracy.
3. To support, train and equip the deaf people to become self-reliant.
4. To reduce considerably and ultimately eliminate poverty and all forms of street begging among deaf people.
5. To enable and encourage the deaf people to contribute meaningfully to the economic, social and cultural development of their family, community and nation at large.
6. To develop innate abilities, improve academic performance, resourcefulness and enhance vocational skills of the deaf.
7. To train productive students, leaders and workers.

More Information About CMDN

Who hath made man's mouth or...the dumb or deaf...? Have not I the Lord? [Exodus 4:11]
- Thou shall not curse the deaf [Leviticus, 19:14]
- And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the books [Isaiah 29:18]
- Then...the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped [Isaiah 35:5]
- ...The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear [Luke 7:22, Matthew 11:5]
- He [Jesus] hath done all things well, He market both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak [Mark 7:37]

Let us say four categories:
1. Heredity
2. Illnesses...for example, meningitis, polio, measles, whooping cough, influenza, small pox, syphillis, etc.
3. Accidents
4. Modern Living...e.g. Drug Abuse, piercing noise from music, jet, etc.


NOTE: Our Schools do not admit students with additional diasabilities such as emotional disturbance, mental retardence or blindness but only the deaf or hard of hearing pupils.

A. Junior Secondary School Certificate:
At the end of the Junior Seconddary School Three, all the students will write the State's Ministry of Education Junior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (JSSCE)

B. Senior Secondary School Certificate:
Also at the end of the Senior Seconddary School Three, all candidates will write the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations for the award of Senior School Certificate by either the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) or the National Examinations Council (NECO).


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Below are the lists of our Deaf Schools.

Nursery & Primary School
Nursery & Primary School

Our Nursery & Primary School...

High/Secondary School
High/Secondary School

Our High School is one of the...

Andrew Foster Memorial College
Andrew Foster Memorial College

Andrew Foster Memorial College [AFMC] is named after Dr. Andrew Jackson Foster, a deaf black American educator to deaf Africans because of his illustrious education service to the deaf Africans.